Monday, March 24 2025

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Cat Signs

Cats have a reputation for being a bit mysterious, but devotees owners often come to love his personality and quirks kitten. Understand how you communicate with you is the best way to enjoy your love!

Cats communicate by voice, smell, movement and pose. Its language is universal, like love. China A cat can easily understand a cat in Germany. So here are some ways to express their feelings to you.

Body language

Active, quick, muscular, elegant, athletic body - all these words can be said about the healthy cats. They use their bodies in a very expressive way. Cats can be reluctant experts. If a cat lying in front of you, which means that she feels comfortable and confident. If back to back is given. it probably means that she is in good spirits and feels free and fun.

Eyes meet the eyes!

The eyes are the mirror of the soul and is very true for cats. Cats will never go wrong. Each time the cat is looking to understand what he wants. If your cat has looked for several seconds, then blinks and turns away, which means that it is recognized, but not invited to contact him. Do not worry, this is not bad! The pupils of the eyes will tell more. If they are dilated that seem afraid to cry. If you are not sure if your cat is afraid or not, look at your students. open eyes and dilated pupils means that something horrible is coming. If the cat is aggressive, students may turn to narrow slits.

Cola said!

If you can read what the cat's tail you said, you know what's on your mind. The tail can stick straight up. In this case, it is used to demonstrate self-confidence and pride. Cats that carry their tails in this way work very pompously. When your cat is frightened, its tail looks like a bottle brush. If the queue is soft and seems bigger than it is, this means that the mixture of false courage and fear.

the rapid evolution of the tail is a cheerful greeting, the cat rubbed against her legs, purring showing their joy at his return home.

Purr-rrrfect sounds!

Purr is the most mysterious process you can imagine. Most cat owners think that cats purr when they are happy. It is true, but not the only condition under which the purring cats. However, it also occurs when cats feel pain.

Purr means that you spend time together in harmony. This means that to stretch his hand to his best friend in the night. These are times when your cat spends the head and chin when you are sad. Whatever that means, so as to express the happiness cats too. There is no doubt this is the most beautiful sound between total cats.

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